

working to distribute fresh meals to
the vulnerable in the Watford area

TudorFood was set up in response to a request by Bro Harry Lomas, Culinary Chef at Wembley Stadium, who volunteered with Compassion London after being furloughed to produce fresh meals for the vulnerable and for NHS and support workers. The role of TudorFood is to assist in expanding the Compassion London service into the Watford area.

W.Bro Peter Young took on the role of contacting local charitable groups and key worker sites, organising the deliveries and acting as the main point of contact between these groups and Compassion London to ensure a smooth delivery service once a demand for meals had been established,

TudorFood launched on Monday 11th May and took orders for over 350 meals the same day.


By the end of the first week over 1,100 meals were requested for delivery around Watford and the surrounding area each week. These meals were delivered to local charitable groups who were supporting vulnerable families, local schools, disabled children, care homes, refugees and the homeless, plus two local food hubs and two hospices. 

By mid-July over 2,400 meals were being supplied per week including to additional charitable organisations supporting families in North London. At this time, Compassion London moved from the kitchens at Wembley Stadium to Alexandra Palace. Over the next couple of months the amount of funding and volunteer support started to decrease and in mid-November Compassion London had to move to a significantly smaller kitchen in central London. As a result of this the supply of fresh meals stopped after 13th November to the contacts made by TudorFood. From May to November, the total number of meals supplied to local charitable groups by Compassion London via TudorFood was 37,725. 

Compassion London continued to supply fresh meals to local families in central London and TudorFood continued to offer support and help to local groups in Watford. Compassion London ceased all supply in early 2021 but hopes to restart in new kitchens in the middle of 2021. Several members of Tudor Lodge went on to join One Vision, a new charity in Watford, to support their operation of supplying free fresh meals and grocery bags to those in need in the Watford area. 


We are delighted that a number of the groups who have received free, fresh meals from Compassion London, via the TudorFood initiative, have sent a note of thanks. 

We also want to acknowledge the fantastic work being done by New Hope, a charity supporting the homeless in Watford, Peace Hospice Care, Kids West HUB - a charity supporting disabled children and their families, Michael Sobell Hospice, two local food hubs - Sewa Day and One Vision, the Watford Refugee Partnership, Reconciliation International, and the school trusts who are supporting local school children and their families.


Food preparation at Compassion London takes place daily with raw produce supplied by The Felix Project.

Freshly prepared meals are sent out five days per week.

Two meal types are provided. Either a meat or fish dish, or a vegetarian dish.

All meals can be reheated in a microwave for immediate consumption or stored overnight in a refrigerator to eat the next day.

The kitchen management team at Compassion London, when they were based at Wembley Stadium, with volunteer kitchen staff.

Harry Lomas leading the preparation of meals at Wembley Stadium kitchens.

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